Expense Tracker

Next JSPostgreSQLtRRPCPrismaShadCNTailwind CSSAuth JSRecharts
Expense Tracker

A responsive web application to help users manage their finances by recording their expenses and visualize their spending habits. It simplifies budgeting and provides insights to make smarter financial decisions.


  • Comprehensive Expense Management: Categorize transactions, record expenses, and monitor financial trends with ease.
  • Discord OAuth Integration: Secure and seamless user authentication for a smooth login experience.
  • Visual Spending Analytics: Interactive charts to help users understand and analyze their financial patterns.
  • Responsive Design: Optimized for web with fast load times and compatibility across all devices.
  • Theme Customization: Supports dark mode and light mode for a personalized user experience.

Tech Stack

  • Database: PostgreSQL (Supabase)
  • Backend: Next JS, tRPC, Prisma, Auth JS
  • Frontend: React JS, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn UI
  • VCS and Deployment: Git, GitHub, Vercel


  • Gained hands-on experience with advanced features like Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Static Site Generation (SSG)
  • Learned to effectively integrate these tools to create a robust and type-safe backend connected to a PostgreSQL database.
  • Implemented secure user authentication using Discord OAuth, improving my understanding of OAuth flows.
  • Enhanced my design skills by creating a responsive and visually appealing interface using Tailwind CSS, including light and dark themes.
  • Mastered the use of ReCharts to build interactive and insightful spending analytics for users.
Expense Tracker

Customizable bar chart page