Hi, I'm

Gokul Kannan

Software Engineer

Building Stuff, One Line at a Time.

Bengaluru, India

Experience & Education

Bluestone logo

Software Engineer

BlueStone Jewellery and Lifestyle

Bengaluru, India

June 2023 - Present

  • Rewrote the Point of Sales application used in stores to React which will improved the user experience significantly, thereby increase the sales.
  • Deployed the Point of Sales application to AWS. Identified and optimized the deployment process which reduced the deployment costs by 90% and load times by 90%.
  • Worked on a project that aims to improve customer experience in stores by using RFID for scanning products.
Bluestone logo

Summer Intern

Samsung R&D Institute

Noida, India

June 2022 - July 2022

  • Created a server-client in python using socket programming to transfer ML models from server to client which makes possible for machine learning on the edge.
  • Solved a packet loss issue where some packets were lost during the communication between the client and the server.
IIT Hyderabad logo

B.Tech (CSE)

Indian Institute of Technology

Hyderabad, India

July 2019 - May 2023

  • Completed courses on Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Database Management Systems, Software Engieering, Machine Learing, Reinforcement Learning, Quantum Computing.
  • Worked on a project to reduce the bias in the predictions of machine learning models due to the bias in the training data using various techniques.
  • Extracuricullarly I was part of the Robotics Club, Photography Club and worked as a placement coordinator.


On the Go preview

On the Go

November 2024

An automated CI/CD deployment service that triggers deployments when pushing code to GitHub with an easy to use admin panel.

Actively developing
expense tracker preview

A responsive web application where users can record their expenses and visually see their spending habits.

Next JSPostgrestRRPCShadcn UITailwind CSS
Actively maintaining
sudoku solver preview

Sudoku solver

May 2022

A sudoku game, where users can import a sudoku puzzle and the code solve it using backtracking.

Archived project
Reliable data transfer using UDP preview

Reliable data transfer using UDP

July 2022

A reliable data transfer protocol implemented using UDP sockets to facilitate faster throughput than TCP.

Computer NetworksPythonLinuxVirtual machines
Archived project


Frontend Development

Backend Development

Problem Solving

Data Structures


System Design

Machine Learning

UI Design