Hi, I'm
Gokul Kannan
Software Engineer
Building Stuff, One Line at a Time.
Bengaluru, India
Experience & Education

Software Engineer
BlueStone Jewellery and Lifestyle
Bengaluru, India
June 2023 - Present
- Rewrote the Point of Sales application used in stores to React which will improved the user experience significantly, thereby increase the sales.
- Deployed the Point of Sales application to AWS. Identified and optimized the deployment process which reduced the deployment costs by 90% and load times by 90%.
- Worked on a project that aims to improve customer experience in stores by using RFID for scanning products.

Summer Intern
Samsung R&D Institute
Noida, India
June 2022 - July 2022
- Created a server-client in python using socket programming to transfer ML models from server to client which makes possible for machine learning on the edge.
- Solved a packet loss issue where some packets were lost during the communication between the client and the server.

B.Tech (CSE)
Indian Institute of Technology
Hyderabad, India
July 2019 - May 2023
- Completed courses on Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Database Management Systems, Software Engieering, Machine Learing, Reinforcement Learning, Quantum Computing.
- Worked on a project to reduce the bias in the predictions of machine learning models due to the bias in the training data using various techniques.
- Extracuricullarly I was part of the Robotics Club, Photography Club and worked as a placement coordinator.

On the Go
November 2024
An automated CI/CD deployment service that triggers deployments when pushing code to GitHub with an easy to use admin panel.

Expense Tracker
July 2024
A responsive web application where users can record their expenses and visually see their spending habits.
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Sudoku solver
May 2022
A sudoku game, where users can import a sudoku puzzle and the code solve it using backtracking.
Frontend Development
Backend Development
Problem Solving
Data Structures
System Design
Machine Learning
UI Design